Energy Transition
The energy transition is in full swing in Europe. To arrive in a world “without” CO2 emissions from fossil fuels in 2050. Most countries focus on generating green energy and shifting from fossil natural gas or oil to “green” electricity for heating of our houses and for our cars.
As long as there is only 15-50% “green” of our existing electricity production, there is no surplus at the moment. So if we buy an electric car or an electric steam boiler we will increase the load on our present electricity system and we will emit more CO2, due to the fact that replacing a gas fired system with 80-95% efficiency by and electrical system with an efficiency of 50-60% of the fossil fuel fired power station, 10-20% of transportation losses, will result in an increase of CO2 emissions. This is the case until be produce more electricity by PV parks and wind etc, tha what we presently consume.
Due to the price of electricity (roughly twice as expensive per MJ as natural gas) conversion is not a real option at the moment. But this will change in the coming years a gas (and its tax & CO2 emissions) will get more expensive.
When to change over? We think in the coming 5-10 years. So prepare yourself, gain insights and knowledge
Owners of steam systems can start today with:
• Saving of the actual steam demand. Heat recuperation on steam systems and change over low temperature steam systems to heat pump systems
• Increase the efficiency of their steam boilers
• Reduce heat losses by improving thermal insulation on your piping and components (obliged by law for housing projects, not for industrial steam systems)
• Improve your steam traps. Does your company has a clear vision how to choose traps and how to manage them?
All these items will reduce your energy demand for your present system as well as for your future electrical system
Do you want discuss this topic or want to really upgrade your system, get in touch with us ( or +31 (0)6 41 42 08 67)